Monday, July 27, 2009

Now they are trying to scare the elderly?....tsk tsk Fox News

As seen a number of years ago with Clinton, Obama has put the reforming of the nation’s health care system as one of his top priorities. Though will this attempt end any better than what happened to Clinton? Will again another defeat lead to the GOP again taking over congress and shutting down Obama’s other initiatives?
In the blog Crooks and Liars we see an article entitled Fox & Friends crew frighten elderly viewers: health-care reform is 'a subtle form of euthanasia', which depicts a very anti-reform sentiment by the fox reporters. ( During the clip they try to take apart Obama and his reform plan by choosing a selected part of his speech at a town hall meeting on health care and basically use it out of context to instill fear into their audience. Without informing the audience about previous statements made by Obama they twist his words to make his reform, in the most succinctly put manner, seam like ‘a subtle form of euthanasia’. Indeed this clip taken out of context would no doubt scare the pants off the elderly audience they are going for with this scare tactic. It’s clear that they are really just grasping at anything to tear down the reform as it gets closer to being passed. One must wonder that if they are low enough to try and gain support against health care reform by scaring the elderly, then what else are they capable of?
David Neiwert has justly called out Fox and their news anchors in what amounts to a feeble attempt at tearing down a reform they clearly don’t really have anything on. But I guess that’s just ‘investigative journalism’ at its best; well in this particular case its shotty journalism at its very best.

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